Join the PRI COVID-19 Review Assembly


Start Date and Time: Wed, Jul 31, 2024, 12:00 am ET

End Date and Time: Mon, Sep 30, 2024, 12:00 am ET



The NYC Pandemic Response Institute (PRI) is a landmark initiative operated by Columbia University in partnership with CUNY SPH to prepare our city for future public health threats. We’re asking you to join a short list of NYC leaders taking part in the PRI COVID-19 Review Assembly, informing our review of the societal response to COVID-19 in New York City and design of guidance that integrates scientific evidence with the diverse lived experience of New Yorkers.

We know the pandemic started almost five years ago, and a lot has been written about COVID-19. After reviewing hundreds of articles and reports, we need your expertise to help make sure that what we’re drafting is right for New York City and will better prepare us for upcoming health emergencies. Your participation would include attending a virtual launch event on July 31, two virtual meetings during the weeks of August 12 and August 19; providing online written feedback on a draft set of preliminary evidence-based conclusions; and attending 1-2 follow up meetings to be scheduled in the Fall. 

Launch Event Featured Speakers

Grace C. Bonilla
President and CEO of United Way of New York City

Sheena Wright
First Deputy Mayor of New York City

Kathryn Wylde
Chief Executive Officer of Partnership for New York City

Mon Yuck Yu
Cofounder, Raising Health

Participation Timeline

Here’s what we’re asking of you: (all activities virtual or remote)

Attend a launch Event
Meet fellow members of the assembly and learn more about your role and responsibilities. (2 hours)

July 31, 2PM

Review & Feedback
Review a draft set of preliminary evidence-based conclusions and provide online written feedback prior to the small group meeting. (2-3 hours)

August 1-11

Small Group Discussions
Participate in a virtual small group discussion to provide feedback and amendments to the preliminary conclusions. (Two, 2 hour meetings)

You’ll be assigned to one of these groups:
Mon, Aug 12 & 19, 2-4PM
Tue Aug 13 & 20, 2-4PM
Wed Aug 14 & 21, 2-4PM
(Check email invite for group placement)

Possible Follow-up Discussion
Potentially participate in a virtual follow-up discussion to further refine the preliminary conclusions into zero-draft recommendations. (2 Hours)

Late September/ Early October

Closing Event
Attend a closing event with all members of the assembly to see the revised draft recommendations. (1 hour) 

Early November

The draft recommendations will then be shaped at convenings in some of the neighborhoods hardest hit by COVID. We’ll then produce a final, public set of community-validated recommendations for an equitable public health response. To be clear, these recommendations are focused on how all of us (academia, business, civil society, government) can stand up and help each other through the multiple consequences of these terrible events. 

Can you join the COVID-19 Review Assembly and help generate rich discussions and action-oriented, multisectoral recommendations for an inclusive, equity-driven approach to public health emergencies in NYC?

If you can join us, please let us know by completing this quick form. If you can’t, kindly let us know by emailing us. We look forward to hearing from you.