An Update on the PRI COVID-19 Review

Dec 18, 2024 | News

The NYC Pandemic Response Institute (PRI) continues to lead efforts to prepare New York City for future public health emergencies. We are in the midst of conducting a multicomponent, mixed-methods review of the health emergency response to COVID-19 across society sectors in NYC.  After reviewing hundreds of articles and reports, we developed a draft set of recommendations and convened the PRI COVID-19 Review Assembly (Assembly) to ensure that what we’re drafting is right for New York City and will better prepare us for future health emergencies. 

The Assembly was composed of a diverse group of over 100 NYC leaders and experts tasked with reviewing our draft recommendations and shaping evidence-based guidance for future health crises.

The Assembly began with a virtual launch on July 31, featuring prominent speakers, including Grace C. Bonilla, President and CEO of United Way of New York City; Sheena Wright, First Deputy Mayor of New York City; Kathryn Wylde, CEO of Partnership for New York City; and Mon Yuck Yu, Cofounder of Raising Health. These leaders set the stage for an impactful series of discussions.

During the summer, Assembly participants worked diligently to review our findings and provide valuable feedback on draft conclusions. Through small group discussions, they refined these conclusions to incorporate the lived experiences of New Yorkers with the scientific evidence. In the fall, the Assembly continued its work with follow-up discussions, further shaping the recommendations into a ‘zero-draft’ ready for broader community input. Earlier this month, the Assembly concluded with an event where the key revisions were summarized and final comments gathered.

The closing of the COVID-19 Review Assembly marks a transition, as we will soon take the newly revised preliminary recommendations to neighborhoods most affected by COVID-19, where community members will evaluate them.

The final set of community-validated recommendations will provide a roadmap for an equitable and inclusive public health response in NYC, ensuring that all sectors—academia, business, civil society, and government—are prepared to support each other during future health emergencies.

We are grateful for all the Assembly participants and look forward to continuing this important work. A list of COVID-19 Review Assembly Member affiliations as well as key partners and staff can be found below. The PRI COVID-19 Review Assembly was a crucial step towards building a resilient public health system in NYC in alignment with the experience of New Yorkers. We look forward to sharing more updates as we continue with the PRI COVID-19 Review. 

COVID-19 Review Assembly Member Affiliations, Key Partners and Staff


A. Philip Randolph Senior Center
African Services Committee
American Medical Association – Center for Health Equity
American Red Cross in Greater NY
Asian American Federation
BBB Serving Metropolitan New York
Black Health
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce
Center for Independence of the Disabled, New York
Child Mind Institute
Chinatown Partnership
Citizens Budget Commission
Citizens Committee for New York City
Columbia University
Community Health Action of Staten Island
Community Health Center Association of New York State (CHCANYS)
Comunilife, Inc.
Control Risks @ Meta
COVID Advocacy Initiative
Disabled in Action
East Harlem COAD
Everyone Reading
Food Bank for New York City
FoodStream Network
For The Culture Consulting, LLC
Fund for Public Health NYC
Greater New York Hospital Association
Harlem Congregations for Community Improvement (HCCI)
Harlem Dowling-West Side Center
Henry Street Settlement
Housing Works
Human Services Council
Hunger Free America
Independence Care System
Legal Services NYC
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Long COVID Justice/ Strategies for High Impact
Make the Road New York (MRNY)
Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
Marathon Strategies
Mount Sinai Health System
Muslim Community Network
Mutual Aid NYC
National Alliance on Mental Illness in New Jersey
Neighborhood technical assistance clinic
New York Association of Convenience Stores
New York City Employment and Training Coalition
New York eHealth Collaborative
New York Health Foundation
New York Immigration Coalition
New York Public Radio: WNYC/Gothamist
New York State Nurses Association
NYC Department of Education
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
NYC Dept of Social Services
NYC Emergency Management
NYC Health + Hospitals
NYC Mayor’s Office of Food Policy
NYC Parks
NYC Economic Development Corps
New York Civil Liberties Union
New York Disaster Interfaith Services
New York eHealth Collaborative
New York University
New York University Langone
Office of Staten Island Borough President
Population Health at Oscar Health
Public Health Accreditation Board
Public Health Solutions
Public Policy Lab
Quest Diagnostics
Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY)
Robin Hood Foundation
Ryan Health
Services for the Underserved
Siga Technologies
Sisters of Charity Housing
Social Science Research Council
Staten Island Not for Profit Association/SI COAD
Staten Island Partnership for Community Wellness
Tetra Tech
The Hotel Association of New York City, Inc.
The New School
The Salvation Army
Time Square Alliance
Treatment Action Group (TAG)
Tulane School of Public Health
United Way of New York City
Urban Resource Institute
Urban Upbound
Via Transportation
Wildlife Conservation Society

Staff and Advisors

COVID Review Advisory Team
Susan Michaels-Strasser
Miriam Rabkin
Goleen Samari
Zachary Shahn
Karmen Williams

Joshua DeVincenzo
Sean Hansen
Shuyang Huang
Jeff Schlegelmilch

Tara Abularrage
Parisa Ayoubi
Sarah Crisci
Chelsea Douglas
Ayman El-Mohandes
Wafaa El-Sadr
Danielle Greene
Jasmine Jones
Emily Laskowski
Ingrid Maurice Knowles
Bashar Makhay
Christopher McLaughlin
Alberto Mejia
Sneha Patel
Neena Philip
Joey Platt
Mitch Stripling
Connor Wright