Pres. Biden Names PRI Racial Equity & Social Determinants of Health Co-Lead, Ana Navas-Acien, to National Cancer Advisory Board
Pres. Biden Names PRI Racial Equity & Social Determinants of Health Co-Lead, Ana Navas-Acien, to National Cancer Advisory Board

Today, President Joe Biden announced his intent to appoint six experts to the National Cancer Advisory Board, which plays an important role in guiding the Director of the National Cancer Institute in setting the course for the national cancer research program. Among those named was Ana Navas-Acien.

Contact Tracing Data Sheds Light on COVID-19 Spread in New York City
Contact Tracing Data Sheds Light on COVID-19 Spread in New York City

A study led by researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health uses contact tracing data to produce a detailed map to date of SARS-CoV-2 spread in New York City. They found that the city’s contact tracing program was efficient and produced data that can inform neighborhood-level interventions like vaccination and reactive restrictions on business capacity.

The Pandemic is Not Over: We Ignore it at Our Own Risk
The Pandemic is Not Over: We Ignore it at Our Own Risk

In a recent interview, U.S. President Joe Biden stated: “The pandemic is over.” This comment, while not without controversy, echoed what so many want to believe, that the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us and that it is time to return to “normal. Explore why COVID-19 remains and will remain a factor affecting the health and well-being of people across the world in this editorial written by PRI Leads Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr & Dr. Ayman El-Mohandes.

Lessons Learned From Dear Pandemic: Targeting the COVID-19 Infodemic
Lessons Learned From Dear Pandemic: Targeting the COVID-19 Infodemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified excessive COVID-19-related information as a public health crisis, calling it an “infodemic.” The infodemic has been exacerbated by uncertainties inherent in an emerging infectious disease and the scientific process more generally. Together with inconsistent governmental messaging, these factors have led to challenges in delivering accurate, timely, and trusted information to the public.